
Christmas Late Night Shopping: Thursdays 3, 10, 17 December 2020


Past late night shopping evenings have seen our shop rammed full with wonderful customers who want to share a Christmas tipple with us. We have to do things a little differently this year due to COVID-19 and are spreading the cheer over three, not one, late-night shopping evenings. A sentry at our entrance will monitor to-ings and fro-ings so social distancing is maintained throughout each evening. The busiest time will be 19.00-20.00 so try to arrive either side of those times. This year we are unable to offer tasters but your favourite tipples will be on sale. We look forward to welcoming you! (Photograph by courtesy of artist Louise Fordham.)

Late-night Christmas shopping will take place Thursdays 3, 10, 17 December 2020 at BRITISH design BRITISH made, 64 High Street, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 OAG 18.00 – 21.00.

Click here to read about our COVID-19 policy.